Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Many Ways to Use Bentonite Clay For Health and Beauty

Bentonite Clay for health and Beauty
by Sue Woledge 

Bentonite Clay for Health and Beauty

While there is evidence to suggest that healing clays have been used by humans for healing and ritual since before the discovery of fire, both the growing interest in traditional and alternative medicines, along with the ability of modern-day humans to come up with more and more creative ways to use clays is causing an upsurge of interest in their application. A wide range of uses that range from clay toothpaste to cancer treatments means that healing clays such as bentonite clay are being realized by many as a useful addition to the first aid kit or medicine cabinet.

Traditionally, healing clays have been consumed in clay waters, eaten as clay balls, and used externally to treat skin infections. In recent years the antibacterial and healing aspects of healing clays have begun to be studied for their potential medical applications in reversing bacterial infections and ulcers. However, even in our day-to-day lives, common clays such as bentonite clay have been demonstrated through human experience to be invaluable to those who use them and they have many potential uses.

Bites and stings
Mix bentonite clay into a thick paste with water and apply it to bites or stings for almost instant relief from pain and swelling. The application of a clay paste will also prevent itching as the sting heals as in the case of bee stings.

Skin disorders
Bentonite clay has been used for many skin complaints ranging from acne to skin cancers. Apply a clay paste to the affected area and reapply as needed. In some skin complaints, internal use of clay may also be of benefit.

Taking clay internally can help to remove heavy metals, pesticide residues, and radiation. Mix with water and drink away from food, medicine, or supplements. Adding clay to bath water will also help to detoxify the body.

Beautiful skin
A face mask can be made by mixing water with clay and then brushing the mixture onto the face. Allow to dry then gently wash off with warm water. The skin will be left soft and glowing.

Apply a thick bentonite clay paste to warts and cover with a bandage. Reapply regularly until the wart disappears.

Tummy upsets
Because bentonite clay is antibacterial it can be useful to ward off food poisoning where suspect food has been consumed or it can be taken to settle an already upset tummy.

Homemade Mascara
Create your own eye-defining mascara using aloe vera, charcoal, and bentonite clay.

Aluminium free deodorant
Bentonite clay is an essential ingredient in homemade deodorants.

You can even give your hair a lift and leave it looking shiny and healthy by applying a mixture of clay, herbal teas such as chamomile or rosemary, essential oils, and apple cider vinegar.

It is important to note that bentonite clay should not come into contact with any metals and should not be mixed with chlorinated water. If taking bentonite clay internally, always take at least two hours away from food, medicines, or supplements, and always seek appropriate advice from your health practitioner when treating any illness or injury.

Sources for this article include

About the author:
Sue Woledge is a natural therapist, writer, and owner of Live Toxin Free and HCG Diet For Life. Sue is an advocate for natural health and responsible living and is passionate about REAL food, safe products, life-long learning, natural health, the environment, and natural medicines. Sue believes that living as naturally as possible and eating a diet consisting of natural, unprocessed foods is key to good health as is reducing exposures to synthetic and toxic chemicals. A number of books written by Sue Woledge including her latest raw food recipe book are available here.

#bentoniteclay #SueWoledge #Benefitsofclay #bentonitedeoderant #bentonitemascara 

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