Monday, June 15, 2015

Do You Know About the Cucumber's Superb Healing & Beauty Benefits?

by Sandeep Godiyal

Along with long days, swimming, walks on the beach and watching the fireflies at night, one of the great joys of summer is when the cucumbers come in. These classic warm weather vegetables are deliciously cooling, versatile – and great for people who are trying to slim down for the start of bathing suit season!

And apart from being delicious, no matter which way they are prepared, cucumbers are also incredibly healthy. 

Read on to find out more about all the superb health benefits that this ultimate summer vegetable can literally bring to the table.

Aids in weight loss
There are many ways in which cucumbers help aid weight loss. To begin with, they are low in calories but high in fiber, so eating them can help curb the appetite naturally and make it easier to cut down on food intake without being plagued by hunger pains. Cucumbers also improve digestion because of their high fiber content, and good digestion has been linked in numerous studies to easier weight loss. Lastly, it also detoxifies the body, which boosts energy levels and makes it easier to be active, which is helpful if someone is trying to achieve their weight loss goals.

Promotes general health
There are many ways in which cucumbers promote the general health of the body. Firstly, because cucumbers are mostly water, they are able to help the body stay hydrated, which is one of the most important things that anyone can do for their own health. Compounds in the cucumber have been shown to help lower blood pressure, which also lowers the risk of many serious complications like heart disease, kidney and eye problems and strokes. And because of their high vitamin and mineral content, they can also help avoid nutrient deficiencies and keep the body functioning at its best.

Cucumbers do not only help to improve the body's health – they can beautify as well. For centuries, women all over the world have used cucumber slices topically on their eyes to reduce signs of puffiness and dark shadows. It is also good for the skin in a toner, as it can soothe down irritation, redness and inflammation associated with summertime woes like sun burns and insect bites! Its high mineral content will also strengthen and beautify nails and hair if it is consumed on a regular basis. In short, it is one of the best natural beauty treatments around.

So there it is. Cucumbers are not only the quintessential summer vegetables – and indispensable for salads, soups and other warm-weather fare. They will also improve health and beauty to make this summer one of the best – and healthiest – ever!


About the author:
Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit. Original article from:

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