Hydroponics is a subject I have always wanted to seriously research. The following article inspired me to finally satisfy my knowledge of How and Why this works.
How can we get all the nutrients that we get out of plants grown in organic, mineral-rich soils and the sun, out of plants grown in water?
Following is an excellent article explaining 'Hydroponics' and its benefits.
I would love to hear from readers who have experience with Hydroponics and hear your stories. It seems like this may be an excellent option to increase our accessibility to healthy foods. ~ Eugenia M. Jarrett
Hydroponics - Healthy for Your Body and Good for the Planet
by Rachel Kahn
What is hydroponics?
Hydroponics is a system that allows plants to be grown indoors, without soil, in a nutrient rich environment. While this may seem oddly against Mother Nature, the process and result can be incredibly beneficial to both your body and the earth.
Imagine a nondescript inner city building surrounded by old manufacturing facilities and a desolate parking lot. Now picture yourself walking in the door of this building. Rather than finding the tired emptiness expected from the exterior, you are surrounded by floor-to-ceiling, brilliantly lit herbs and leafy greens. Welcome to urban hydroponics and the fantastic array of good deeds it offers.
If you are like many who live in a frozen tundra during the winter months, you will be very pleased to know that perfectly ripened, fresh herbs and greens can be harvested and added to your happy-body salad in the same afternoon. When food is grown around the corner, there is no delay from harvest to table and there is no carbon footprint.
Hydroponic methods do not use pesticides or herbicides, allowing for clean eating and that welcome smile of gratitude from your body. Because of the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides, cross contamination in traditional farming has become a sad reality and something that our lovely organic farmers work hard to control. Hydroponics are grown indoors. Therefore, the cross contamination concern is eliminated.
I had the opportunity to sit down with an expert in the field and President of Garden Fresh Farms, Peter Cordell, to discuss his hydroponics techniques and to learn from his wealth of knowledge...