Thursday, June 11, 2015

Microbeads In Many Popular Personal Care Products Are Infesting Our Lakes and Oceans

"If you are unsure if your product uses microbeads, check the ingredients label and look for the term, "polyethylene," which is plastic. Many companies clearly list the term, "microbeads," on the front of the label."
by Elisha McFarland 

Numerous people are aware of plastic pollution in our oceans and natural habitats as well as the tremendous impact it has on wild life. Many people, however, are unaware of the environmental impact of microbeads and microplastics. Microbeads are used in common products such as toothpaste, facial scrubs, body washes, and soaps. Companies around the world use polyethylene plastic microbeads in these products, because they are cheaper than natural options,
such as walnut husks or pumice, for exfoliants in personal products. The problem is that microscopic particles of the beads and the beads themselves are turning up in our oceans and lakes. (1,2) Since microbeads are too small to be sifted out at water treatment plants, they end up in our lakes and oceans. Many fish and other animals that live in or near oceans and lakes are consuming the microplastic, which puts them at risk from chemical pollution and us as well.

In August of 2012 the Santa Monica based environmental group, 5 Gyres, performed a search in the Great Lakes that was most unsettling. Samples contained an estimated 1.5 to 1.7 million microbeads and plastic particles per square mile, with the highest concentrations in Lake Erie. Since the plastics are exposed to cooler temperatures in the water, they take a long time to break down. An additional area of concern expressed by Lorena Rios, a University of Wisconsin Chemist, is that the plastic is absorbing pollutants from the water and air, such as pesticides, PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are linked to cancer. (1) As with all toxins, once ingested by wildlife, these compounds can increase as they move up the food chain.

Johnson and Johnson claims they have already started phasing out microbeads in their products, while some others have plans to do so within the next two to five years. Unilever plans on eliminating microbeads in 2015 and Proctor and Gamble will plan on eliminating them no later than 2017.

What can you do in the meantime?

Stop using products that contain microbeads.

If you are unsure if your product uses microbeads, check the ingredients label and look for the term, "polyethylene," which is plastic. Many companies clearly list the term, "microbeads," on the front of the label.

An Free app called Beat the Microbead may be of help to consumers who are unsure if their favorite product contains microbeads. With the app, you simply scan the barcode of a product, if the app turns red, the company is using microbeads in their products, if it turns orange, they use them, but have pledged to phase them out

Helpful options:
  • Make your own sugar or salt scrubs with natural ingredients.
  • Look for products that use natural exfoliants such as walnut husks, pumice, oatmeal or apricot.
  • Use a washcloth with your soap or body wash.


About the author:
After sixteen years of struggling with MCS, Elisha McFarland recovered her health through alternative and natural healing methods. It was this experience that encouraged her to pursue an education in natural health. She has received the following designations: Doctor of Naturopathy, Master Herbalist, D.A. Hom., B.S. in Holistic Nutrition, Certified Wholistic Rejuvenist and EFT-ADV. You can visit her website at:

Resources for this article include:

Article reprinted from Natural News:

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