Saturday, July 22, 2023

Are You Truly Happy in Your Life? Stop and Think - Decide WHO You Are and What TRULY Makes You Happy

Jay Shetty video for all ages, decide what you want, at any age


All children and adults would benefit greatly by taking a few minutes and listening to these wise and inspirational words from Jay Shetty.

Learning to honor what we feel and who we are - not as others dictate or as society rules.

We are all different, with a very distinct variety of challenges and dreams.

What are yours?

Are you exploring and pursuing your dreams?

Are you living someone else's plans for you?

Take a little peace and quiet and the time to dig deep into your heart and mind - what makes you happy? 
What makes You feel fulfilled? 
Are you following your intuition? 

STOP letting others dictate who you are and where you are going - especially at their pace.

Watch the following short video by Jay Shetty Now


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