Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Footprints We Create

By Michelene K. Bell
In Light Times Publisher - Editor Michelene K. Bell Editorial - The Footprintes We Create

The Footprints We Create

Life is a constant teacher from the time we come into existence. When we take that first breath and utter our first cry, we are announcing to the world... “We have arrived.” Our soul has taken its place among all the other souls in this dimension to experience a human existence. 

The footprints we create are ours alone. They are the records of our journey that will lead us back to our destination we call home. 

With Life being our Master Guide, we are exposed to a myriad of events that shape our very characters. Through Life’s lessons and challenges, we begin to form our view of the world and our inner action with it. The input we are being given from birth is being engrained into the very fabric of who we will eventually become. 

In Light Times Publisher - Editor Michelene K. Bell Editorial - The Footprintes We Create

In our development, the many different personas we embrace make us unique. In this uniqueness, we are able to present ourselves in different roles. Some may see us as the “life of the party” while others experience us as “uptight.” In other words, we are not just one character that plays out a script upon the stage of Life. Nor are we always cast in the same role because our script will change with each new experience. It is important to realize that we are the scriptwriters, the producers, and the actor/actresses of our play. 

In addition, it is in how we see ourselves; which are the results of Life’s lessons and challenges. It involves our inner actions with the people we encounter and the influences of how we were raised. Like the universe, we are constantly in a state of flux. It is only when we become stagnate, that we stop growing and playing the game of Life. 

“We are all actors and actresses on the stage of life. We play different roles and influence others. What role will we enact today? Will it be one of a hero, an instigator, an optimist, or a pessimist? The choice is ours alone.” 


Michelene K. Bell March 28, 2017 “Within the Light of a new dawn, I remain” 

Michelene K. Bell; Publisher, writer, Editor of In Light Times magazine, metaphysical and holistic health publication

Michelene K. Bell, the Founder and Publisher of In Light Times, Concepts for Conscious Living (for 27 years), and a professional freelance writer with a passion for life. Michelene brings clarity and heart to the written word. She paints a vivid picture within the content of articles, blogs, newsletters, and all things literary. Michelene enjoys great friends, fantastic food, travel, creative endeavors, and having fun exploring new adventures. 

Michelene K. Bell: Founder, Publisher, Editor, and Author - In Light Times Magazine, Concepts for Conscious Living.  (1951 - 2021)


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