Saturday, August 5, 2023

Study Shows Coffee Drinkers May Cut Their Risk of Getting Diabetes by 54%, As Well As Reducing Inflammation

By Eugenia M. Jarrett

Studies show that coffee drinkers may cut their risk of getting diabetes and controlling inflammation by Eugenia Jarrett

Being a coffee connoisseur, I am always researching the good, the bad, and the ugly regarding coffee quality, effects, health, and nutrition. 

A recently released study has brought joy to coffee lovers around the world. 

The Harokopio University in Athens, Greece began these tests in 2001 with various parameters and conducted them for 10 years with over 1,300 coffee drinkers. 

They found exciting results regarding diabetes (reducing the risk of diabetes by 54%) and its effects on inflammation. One of the wonderful things about this study was that the coffee drinkers were not just one-cup-a-day drinkers, they drank at least 1.5 cups daily.

The lead author of the study Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos from Harokopio University (the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics) remarked:

“Oxidative stress has been shown to accelerate the dysfunction of pancreatic b-cells and antioxidants intake has been shown to decrease diabetes risk, so the antioxidant components of coffee may be beneficial, but still more research is needed toward this direction.”

Study Shows Coffee Drinkers May Cut Their Risk of Getting Diabetes by 54%, As Well As Reducing Inflammation by Eugenia Jarrett

Side note:
When I was in Jamaica I got hooked on the "Blue Mountain" Jamaican Coffee. 

We went way up into the Blue Mountains (it was stunning!) and spent time on a Blue Mountain Coffee plantation. 

It was another world. 

The care and pride in growing these beans were inspiring! 

A sample of some of our favorite coffees 

Great organic french roast whole bean coffee from Cameron's. Organic coffee, article by Eugenia Jarrett
I really like this coffee. I use dark roast and French roast at home much of the time. It is organic, reasonably priced, and has a rich smooth flavor. Not bitter at all.

Cameron's Organic French Roast
Whole Bean Coffee, 28-Ounce Bag

Blue Mountain Coffee from the Jamaican Blue Mountains, article by Eugenia Jarrett

Magnum Blue Mountain Coffee is an excellent coffee! I use the medium-dark roast (I like strong coffee) 

Magnum Exotics Coffee, Blue Mountain Coffee Blend - Whole Bean Coffee 2 lb

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee at its best! Coffee for health

This is truly an exceptional coffee. I keep it in the house for when I feel like relaxing and spoiling myself. 

Green Coffee Traders Whole Bean 1LB. 100% Jamaica Jamaican Blue Mountain Roasted Coffee


Read the article below, it is excellent and informative on drinking coffee, diabetes, and inflammation.
by L.J. Devon 

#coffeehealth #coffeediabetes #coffeeinflammation #reconnectingtohealth #reduceinflammation #reducediabetes #jamaicanbluemountain #jamaicancoffee #bluemountaincoffee #coffeebenefits

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