Friday, August 4, 2023

What is Normal?

What is Normal? 

By Michelene K. Bell 

What is Normal? by Michelene K. Bell, founder & publisher of In Light Times

 Embracing the “whole” of who we are includes the challenges that confront us; for herein lays the basis of our growth.

(Note: Michelene K. Bell was the founder and publisher of In Light Times, a well-known Holistic-Metaphisical Magazine, throughout the world for 27 years. I was her partner for many years and have decided to bring back some of her revered articles and editorials. Michelene's insights and passions need to be brought to light again. She gave so much to her readers and the world. Enjoy!)
Eugenia Martini-Jarrett
In Light Times Associate Editor and Partner

As we go through life, we are presented with many opportunities. Some are life-changing and others are subtler in bringing about growth and awareness. How aware are we when doors open in front of us? Do we walk through them, miss them altogether, or choose not to go forward? 

Remember the movie “Forrest Gump?” I can still fondly recall a famous line in the movie when Forrest’s mother, played by Sally Fields, said to Forrest, 

‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’ … 

How true. 

Forrest, being a simple man, viewed life through ‘rose-colored glasses’ and was unafraid of stepping through the doors of opportunities presented to him. In the end, with all his challenges, defeats, heartbreaks, and victories, Forrest became a beloved household icon within the shrimping industry. Success was his because he went with the flow of Life and followed the path of least resistance. He did not let fear detour or slow him down. 

 Many times, when an opportunity arises, we begin to analyze and overthink the situation. We attempt to control what we think the outcome should be and instead of going with the flow, we choose the challenge of swimming upstream. Whether we are going with the flow or against the flow, it all fits into the grand design of life. 

Have you ever contemplated where you are in this moment and wondered how you got there? This I am certain of, it was all the challenges we have had to face during our life on this planet. Without challenges, we are living a mundane life. Without challenges, there is no growth. Challenges are the checks and balances, the yin and yang of life. They are the elements of growth and learning. 

 Embracing the “whole” of who we are includes the challenges that confront us; for herein lays the basis of our growth.  From this platform, we can move forward with our lives. 

When we draw situations and events to us, perhaps it is time for our next lesson. We can take a negative stance on the tribulations confronting us or we can embrace them and see this as a positive opportunity for growth. 

What it all boils down to is our attitude. Are we grateful for new possibilities of forward moment or do we dread what lies before us? 

The choice is ALWAYS ours. 
Remember this: With each design we make, there are vibrational consequences that affect everything in the universe. 

 ”I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I think maybe it's both.” ~ Forrest Gump 

This article, "What is Normal" was originally published in In Light Times Magazine in APRIL 2017 

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Michelene K. Bell, founder and publisher of the world renowned magazine, In Light Times
Michelene K. Bell was the Founder and Publisher of In Light Times, Concepts for Conscious Living for 27 years, and a professional freelance writer with a passion for life. Michelene brings clarity and heart to the written word. She paints a vivid picture within the content of articles, blogs, newsletters, and all things literary. Michelene enjoyed great friends, fantastic food, travel, creative endeavors, and having fun exploring new adventures. 

Much to our sadness Michelene K. Bell passed away in 2021. She is missed.

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