Thursday, March 9, 2017

Everything in Life is Vibration - Heal With Frequency

Vibrations, Healing Frequency video and article
Everything in Life is Vibration - Heal With Frequency
by Eugenia M. Jarrett

There is more and more proof, information, and knowledge showing and explaining that vibrations - frequencies - energy is the base of life, the base of everything. 

There is a specific vibration for a cup, a flag, each individual human being, a flower, etc. Using specific frequencies to heal is proven to be effective and is being explored and improved upon continually. 

Watch the following short video to learn amazing new findings and read about Healing based on frequencies.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Our Greatest Weakness... Thomas A. Edison

Thomas A. Edison was a hard working, avid investor, and businessman. Throughout his career, he is credited with inventing the motion picture camera, the long-lasting light bulb, and the phonograph. He was also a believer in mass production. 

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  – Thomas A. Edison

graphic image quote Thomas Edison

Monday, March 6, 2017

Stunning - Inspiring - What A Wonderful World With David Attenborough

Watch in fullscreen - David's rendition of "What a Wonderful World" is mesmerizing.

David Attenborough has dedicated his life to nature and sharing it with the world. I have all his books and marvel at his life and the tremendous beauty and joy he brings. This video sums it up! Thank you David! ~ Eugenia


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Summer is Here! Make a Watermelon into a "Keg"

Summer is here! A great idea for those backyard BBQs and parties and camping trips. A novel concept and a fun way to serve all kinds of your favorite punches or beverages.

Easy and fun for servicing your favorite beverages, punches etc. Make a Watermelon Keg

Watermelons aren't just for eating – they're for serving up a tasty drink.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Value of an Idea - Thomas Edison

Photograph, graphic quote, value of an idea, Thomas Edison jpg

Turn Leftover Greens into Luscious Meatless Meatballs

Make meatballs out of leftover greens

These meatballs are amazing! Such a wonderful combination as a snack or side dish.

Do you ever wonder what to do with the tops of the wonderful vegetable you buy?
What to do with the carrot or turnip tops?
What about beet green?
They are filled with nutrients and fibers, so use them as a delicious snack or side dish.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

For Blondes Only: Try Natural Dyes, Rinses and Treatments

Natural dyes, rinses and treatments for blonde hair photo jpg
For blonde hair - Try natural dyes, rinses and treatments   
by Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Try natural treatments to dye or enhance the color of blonde hair. Herbal, home-made treatments leave hair looking and feeling wonderful, are gentle and do not strip and damage hair.

A visit to a hair salon is usually hard on hair because of the toxic chemical dyes that are generally used. Natural hair dyes and rinses made at home leave hair clean, without a product build-up. They bring out natural highlights of the hair and they are also surprisingly inexpensive to make.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Shopping At Whole Foods For Only $30 a Week!

Whole foods market on a budget jpg
Yes, you read that right. 

How to shop for $30 at Whole Foods - meals for a week

Christina Chaey set out on an excursion with three other cooks to see if they could each make a week's worth of meals by spending $30 at Whole Foods Market! Unthinkable! Well, they did it.

Patrick Henry Hughes: Incredible!

Patrick Hendry Hughes and his family are amazing and inspiring! 
Born without eyes, a multi-instrumental talent that lets nothing stand in his way.
I ran across this video and had to share it with everyone. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

High Levels of Arsenic In My Rice?

High levels of arsenic in rice, how to reduce the arsenic. Flooded rice fields photo jpg
Apparently, our soil may contain some inorganic arsenic known as a 'category one carcinogen', which is known to cause cancer in humans. 

Small amounts of this arsenic may get into our foods, nothing to be concerned about. However, rice is grown in flooded fields, which seems to make the arsenic more available and absorbable by the rice grains.

How may this be harmful? 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Amazing Peace in the Slow Motion Ocean

Take a couple of minutes - lean back and relax - make it full screen - watch this video. It is a healing unto itself!

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  When In Light Times Magazine was in publication, we had a Book and movie review section. I realized recently that I have been reading some...

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