Friday, March 23, 2018


Jay Shetty video - you really need to hear this - find your purpose and passion
Video Below
Did I find a gem today!
As I was researching healthy news, tips and inspiration, I ran across this video - wow, did it hit the spot! It is excellent!

The message Jay is delivering here is presented so artfully and profoundly. It is truly rewarding to listen to. There is so much insight and wisdom for such a young man. No wonder he was listed as a Forbes 30 Under 30.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Matcha Tea is the NEW Coffee Pick-Me-Up and Powerhouse Antioxidant in Town

The New Black Coffee, Antioxidants, Matcha Tea
Why Everyone Is Suddenly Drinking Matcha Tea
The potent green tea is packed with antioxidants—and a catchy history.

When it comes to buzzy energy drinks, green (tea) is the new black (coffee).

Matcha, a type of green tea made by whisking finely

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Improve Kidney and Urinary Tract Health with These Key Herbs

by Dr. David Jockers 

Herbs help excrete toxins from the kidneys and urinary tracts, improves functions and strengthens

The kidneys are one of the most vital and under-appreciated organs in our body. Each day, they filter about 200 liters of blood, sifting out about two liters of waste and water that our body excretes as urine. Keeping your kidneys healthy and functioning at a high level is of utmost importance for a healthy life. Key herbs such as goldenrod, bearberry leaf, and stinging nettle leaf work together in a synergetic matter to improve kidney and urinary tract health.

The kidneys function to excrete toxins through the urine and balance out our electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphorous) and amino acid levels. It is especially important for the effective elimination of ammonia, which is highly toxic and destructive to brain tissue.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Homemade Sauerkraut, Filled with Antibiotics, Fiber and Probiotics

Fermented homemade sauerkraut recipe

Homemade sauerkraut is an excellent addition to your meanls. Fermented foods are filled with beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics

This sauerkraut recipe from WellnessMama has all the benefits of traditional fermented foods including the abundance of natural probiotics.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Fun Trivia Quiz About The Kennedy's

The Kennedy Family Trivia Quiz
How much do you really know about the Kennedys, our country’s closest thing to royalty?

Embed from Getty Images

Take the Kennedy Family Trivia Quiz HERE

Thursday, May 4, 2017

"Easy To Incorporate" Affirmations For Daily Living

Using affirmations embeds positive, targeted messages to your subconscious, bringing about a rise in vibrations and guiding the Laws of Attraction directly where you want them to go. 

It is easy to run through your day not reinforcing positive emotions, thoughts or energies to our subconsciou, due to being busy and focusing on what is at hand in our daily lives.

Twice the Power Punch - Two Affirmations - One Cup
"I Am Confident" and "I Love and Appreciate" Affirmations
Are you using affirmations as often as possible throught your day?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Improve Your Blood Flow, Attention and Alertness by Eating Dark Chocolate!

Healthy Dark Chocolate Findings
Dark Chocolate Increases Attention and Alertness While Improving Blood Flow  

Cacao, Chocolate Health Benefits, Improve Blood Flow, Attention, Alertness

The health benefits of dark chocolate have been in the news now for a few years. 

There are more and more scientific studies and facts about the incredible benefits of Cacao surfacing daily. 

Cacao has been used by many countries as their primary health and healing product. 

Increased Blood Flow, which increases attention and alertness, is extremely important News!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Billie Holiday’s Fashion Style Going To Jail

“What would you wear to the police station if you were arrested in San Francisco in 1949? If you were the iconic singer Billie Holiday, you would swath yourself in a vast mink coat with enormous sleeves, wrap your head in a perfect turban, and view the entire degrading affair through a pair of chic dark glasses.”

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Brew Your Own Kombucha

My Adventures in Brewing Kombucha
Brew Your Own Kombucha Easily Photo
(How You Can Do It, Too)

by Sarah Jampel 

I went from questioning kombucha, to loving kombucha, to brewing my own kombucha—with a few road bumps along the way.

Why I wanted to make my own Kombucha:

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ellen DeGeneres and Gladys Hardy Talk On The Phone

Ellen chats with fan Gladys in Austin Texas - A must watch video clip from Ellen's show.

Sink Holes That You Won't Believe

More and more sinkholes are appearing, here are 10 that have emerged over the past few years.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Essential Oils, The Missing Link in Today’s Medicine

 By Rae Anne Cariker, LMT

Herbs essential oils, flowers, pure organic essential oils graphic Reconnecting To Health
 "Oils derived from a first distillation, steam-distilled will be more therapeutic and potent than, for example, a second or third distillation from the same plant. High heat, high pressure, as well as contact with chemically reactive metals such as copper and aluminum break down the compounds in the oil making it inferior and less therapeutic."

History has uncovered that these treasured oils were used in religious rituals, the treatment of illness, and other physical and spiritual ceremonies.

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A Powerful Guide (and easy to use) to Using and Benefiting From Your Chakras - Unlock the Power of Your Chakras

  When In Light Times Magazine was in publication, we had a Book and movie review section. I realized recently that I have been reading some...

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