Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Many Ways to Use Bentonite Clay For Health and Beauty

Bentonite Clay for health and Beauty
by Sue Woledge 

Bentonite Clay for Health and Beauty

While there is evidence to suggest that healing clays have been used by humans for healing and ritual since before the discovery of fire, both the growing interest in traditional and alternative medicines, along with the ability of modern-day humans to come up with more and more creative ways to use clays is causing an upsurge of interest in their application. A wide range of uses that range from clay toothpaste to cancer treatments means that healing clays such as bentonite clay are being realized by many as a useful addition to the first aid kit or medicine cabinet.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"The Most Creative..."

"The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself."
—Deepak Chopra

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Wisdom of the Tao - Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey

Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey - Wisdom of the Tao


Probiotics Shown to Dramatically Heal Food Sensitivities

Probiotics shown to dramatically heal food sensitivities
By Carolanne Wright 

(NaturalNews) For those who are familiar with the GAPS diet, rebuilding the gut is of paramount importance. After all, the gut isn't only involved in properly absorbing nutrients to keep us fit - it's the foundation for a strong nervous system and immunity as well. When the gut is in top form, food sensitivities and illnesses have a harder time taking root. Interestingly, research has shown that probiotics can also heal the gut to such a point that food intolerance and allergies disappear.

The power of probiotics
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride developed the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet in response to her son's diagnosis of autism.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History is Wrong

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History is Wrong
By Debbie West, Contributor, Waking Times

Yes, we’ve been fed a load o’ hooey when it comes to nearly everything, but the history of Humanity and this planet is the biggest lie going. I can’t WAIT to hear the truth about everything and to burn those history books! The mass media is complicit in a coverup of epic proportions.  ~ BP

Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age, Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and Culture

Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history.  An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations over 29,000 years ago. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Eating Sesame Seeds Superior To Tylenol for Knee Arthritis

Eating Sesame Seeds Superior To Tylenol for Knee Arthritis

A remarkable new study published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases confirms thatfood is not only medicine, but sometimes superior to it Medical researchers working out of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, sought to investigate the effects of sesame seed supplementation on clinical signs and symptoms in patients with knee osteoarthritis.[i]
Knee osteoarthritis is a form of degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis localized in the knee, and causes a variety of symptoms including pain, swelling, abnormal bone growth (which can result in bone spurs), disfigured cartilage and loss of motion, and it affects as many as 12.1% of adults aged 60+, according to the CDC.[ii]  Standard therapy involves the use of NSAID drugs, many of which have been linked both to internal bleeding and significantly increased risk of cardiac mortality, which is why the researchers sought out to look for "a complementary treatment to reduce complications and costs." Read entire article

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Best Home Remedies for Treating Blackheads

The Best Home Remedies for Treating Blackheads
by Michael Ravensthorpe 

(NaturalNews) Blackheads are bumps (or 'plugs') on the skin that are caused by a buildup of excess oils and sebum in the skin glands. As these oils oxidize, they darken, giving blackheads their trademark color.

Blackheads are extremely common, especially among adolescents. Though not a health concern, they are unsightly and difficult to remove, even when using expensive cosmetic products. Fortunately, the average household is filled with natural remedies for blackheads that are far cheaper, and often much more effective, than their pharmaceutical equivalents. Let's take a look at the best of them.

List of remedies

Friday, August 23, 2013

Looking for products that are truly GMO-free?

Looking for products that are truly GMO-free?
Shop for Natural Food Certifiers non-GMO and 'Apple K' kosher items

by Ethan A. Huff, Natural News Staff Writer

You may have heard rumors recently that all kosher-certified foods -- that is, foods that meet strict Jewish dietary standards -- are now free of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Unfortunately, these rumors are not true. But there is one kosher certification company in particular, Natural Food Certifiers (NFC), that recently announced it will no longer certify as kosher any foods or food brands that contain or use GMOs.

In a recent press release, NFC, which also offers organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan certifications, announced that it will no longer accept any applications from manufacturers seeking kosher certification for products that contain

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Do You Consume Too Much Copper?

Do You Consume Too Much Copper? Copper from diet linked to increased risk of Alzheimer's disease

by John Phillip 

Over the past 50 to 100 years, the incidence of new Alzheimer's disease cases have remained relatively low, partly due to poor diagnostic techniques, but to a much larger extent, because the root dietary and lifestyle practices that precipitate this devastating illness were minimized or non-existent. Food processing methods, exposure to household chemicals and environmental toxins and lack of physical activity have all contributed to an explosion in the number of people with early stages of Alzheimer's dementia as well as those suffering from more advanced forms of the disease.

Research scientists from the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York have published the results of a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesjournal that provides evidence to explain how a common metal we are all exposed to may help to promote development and progression of the illness.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Solomon Speaks … Reconnecting Your Life

Solomon Speaks …Reconnecting Your Life
By Dr. Eric Pearl & Frederick Ponlov,
In Light Times, June 2013
I’m here to help you remember who you are. The greatness that you are; The greatness that is in all human life-forms. And the respect with which somebody should be treated. Once that is fully realized, then you have paradise ~ Solomon
Solomon Speaks … Reconnecting Your Life By Dr. Eric Pearls & Frederick Ponlov In Light Times, June 2013 Eric’s Story
Oh, my God! I thought, watching my patient, Fred, who was no longer simply lying on his back on the cushioned table in front of me in my office. No one is going to believe this. Who or what am I in the presence of?
Fred’s eyes were partially closed as they rolled up and back into his skull and began to dart rapidly back and forth underneath his fluttering eyelids. His breathing slowed and became deep. His arms, somewhat extended to the sides, began to move slowly, rhythmically…gently up, then down, then up again, Read entire article here -

Vanishing Underwater Roller Coaster in Japan!!

Vanishing Underwater Roller Coaster in Japan!!

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