Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Does Your Body Have Enough B12? Are Your Stamina and Energy at Peak Performance?

B12 deficiency is a major problem. Do you have enough B12 to support your maximum stamina and energy?

Are you deficient in vitamin B12 and don't know it? Or if you do, do you know how to increase your intake of B12 naturally? 

by Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

I have been researching B12 deficiency because of my own issues, and even though my last blood test showed that my levels were "within range", I found myself not having the pep that I want to have, sometimes even dragging, and wearing out way too fast! Apparently, I also do not retain my B12 very well, due to activity, stress, not eating well, etc., so some days I have more in my system than others.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Deepest Hole In The World and What We've Learned From It. The Kola Superdeep Borehole

The Deepest Hole In the World, Kola Superdeep Borehole

The Deepest Hole In The World and What We've Learned From It. The Kola Superdeep Borehole
It is amazing that as of today, 2023, no one has drilled into the earth any further than the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District did on the Kola Peninsula, ending the digging in 1989. Drilling into the Earth's crust brought about astounding new information dating back billions of years, and that was only digging into a fraction of the Earth's crust.

The Kola Superdeep Borehole began drilling on May 24, 1970, and is to date the deepest manmade hole in history. The deepest reached is 12,262 meters (40,230 ft; 7.619 mi) in 1989, the deepest human-made hole on Earth, and remains so as of 2023.

The video below (short) presents the details of the dig and the findings. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

What Exactly are Probiotics, What Do They Do? Learn How to Use Them For Maximum Benefits

Probiotics and fiber for gut health girl eating salad jpg

Are you eating foods with enough probiotics and fiber? 

Did you know that the lining of your gut weakens with processed foods, sugars, starches, acid blockers, aspirin, Advil, alcohol, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and more?

Do you know what causes irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

Do you really know what a prebiotic is? 

Do you need them?

Do you have "Leaky Gut" syndrome?

Do you have stomach acid issues?

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

WheatGrass is Rich in Chlorophyll - Amazing Lymph and Liver Detoxifier

Organic WheatGrass - A Multitude of Amazing Benefits

Wheatgrass rich in chlorophyll, lymph and liver cleansing, stimulating thyroid, blood purifier, gut improvements

Wheatgrass has been known for its incredible health benefits. It contains enzymes that assist your body in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. Excellent in tackling digestive and gut issues, possibly helping with bloating, gas, and stomach upset, as well as GERD as well. 

Being chlorophyll-rich, wheatgrass is not only a nutritious elixir, but it is an extremely effective lymph and liver detoxifier.

Common Plant Extract Help Lower Blood Pressure

Lower blood pressure with these common plant extracts

by Sandeep Godiyal 

Nurture your kidneys and lower blood pressure with plant extracts with plant extracts

The rise of high blood pressure issues and kidney damage are on the increase. A side note: Even if your blood pressure isn't very high, it is important to take steps to nurture your kidneys while working at maintaining a healthy blood pressure level. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly one in three American adults suffers from high blood pressure. This is a problem of great concern since this condition puts people at higher risk for even more serious health issues like heart attacks and strokes and is considered the number one risk factor for fatal heart attacks.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Green Peas: Great sources of phytonutrients and protein; Rich in cancer-fighting coumestrol

Green peas: Surprisingly good sources of phytonutrients and protein

by Michael Ravensthorpe 

Green Peas: Surprisingly good souces of phytonutrients and protein

The common green pea, which is the seed of the Pisum sativum plant, has been a staple food across the world for centuries. Indeed, archaeologists have found that peas were regularly consumed as far back as the late Neolithic era of modern Syria, Turkey, Jordan, and Greece. Immature peas were also a popular food in medieval Europe, whose inhabitants often incorporated them into soups and gruels.

Using Energy Medicine To Restore Your Health and Happiness

Healing Through The Use Of Energy Medicine Occurs When The Movement Of Subtle Energy Is Restored

By Rita Louise, PhD

Article by Dr. Rita Louise

In the physical world, when you want to create or modify something, you use tools. Carpenters use saws, hammers, screws, and nails. Surgeons use scalpels, stethoscopes, x-rays, and stitches. Chefs use knives, saute pans, graters, and spatulas. 

As energetic healers or energy medicine practitioners, the tools we employ are our intentions, imagination, and visualizations.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Did You Ever Wonder What The Difference Between Brown, White and Blue Eggs Is?

by Eugenia M. Jarrett

Brown Eggs vs White Eggs vs Blue Eggs

The other day I needed to borrow a few eggs and my friend gave me a dozen of brown and white eggs mixed. She mentioned that the brown eggs were healthier and she was very happy to give them to me. I was very appreciative of the eggs, however, I disagreed about the nutritional value of the brown eggs being healthier. Somewhere in the back of my brain, I was sure that I had researched this in the past and that was my takeaway.

Brown, white and blue eggs get their color from the color of the hen's feathers. Photo by
Photo by Myriams

She was so adamant that she was right that I needed to research this again - and here is what I found out.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Five Minute Gourmet Garlic Prawns By Gordon Ramsay

This is sooooo good! A must try, garlic and prawns plus...enjoy this video/recipe

New Details About Watercress That Is Surprising Everyone

Watercress has surprising health benefits; Reconnecting to Health article

Surprising Health Benefits About Watercress and Upland Cress

...Watercress (and Upland cress!) contains up to twice the vitamin C of an orange, more calcium than milk, and high levels of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, and vitamins A, B1, B6, K, and E.

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Reconnecting to Health - Calling all writers, counselors, therapists, herbalists, holistic health healers, acupuncturists, chiropractors, etc.

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Our goal is to provide a platform of healthy, healing, holistic, alternative, traditional (when needed) health tips, tools, information, inspiration, motivation, stories, etc. for optimal health, beauty, and fitness.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Study Shows Coffee Drinkers May Cut Their Risk of Getting Diabetes by 54%, As Well As Reducing Inflammation

By Eugenia M. Jarrett

Studies show that coffee drinkers may cut their risk of getting diabetes and controlling inflammation by Eugenia Jarrett

Being a coffee connoisseur, I am always researching the good, the bad, and the ugly regarding coffee quality, effects, health, and nutrition. 

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Avoiding, Helping and Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Tips

By Dr. Rita Louise Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an inflammatory disorder where the tissues around the median ne...

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