Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Be Irreplaceable!

Be the Individual, Awesome, Wonderful person you truly are. Embrace YOU!
You are Irreplaceable!

~ Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

Reconnecting to Health Quotes Plus, Coco Chanel

"In Order To Be Irreplaceable, One Must Always Be Different." ~ Coco Chanel

Your individuality is YOU...nurture it, grow it with confidence and knowledge that you are unique - in a wonderful way.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Matthew McConaughey's Inspiring & Motivational Speech, "5 RULES FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE", is Powerful and Life Changing!

The Speech That Broke the Internet!

Matthew McConaughey delivers a Motivational speech that generates empowerment, excitement, and an energy that makes you feel as if you can conquer the world. 

He brings true life facts that are buried by what other people say, fears, and lack of inspiration to the forefront. Be inspired by this short but powerful video!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Lecture by WAYNE DYER - "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, Living ...

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life - Living The Wisdom Of The Tao

TAO - The Way 
Wayne Dyer shares his experiences, teachings, and lessons of The Tao Te Ching
Finding Peace and Balance in Your Life

Smiles Are Contagious! SMILE!

Smiles Are an Amazing Form of Love and Communication! Smiles Bring Happiness to All.

Why do we smile? 
How does it make you feel? 
Do you smile when you feel down? 

Graphic image quote Smiles are contagious - high frequencies

If someone smiles at you - do you smile back - even if you don't feel like it?

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Holistic Living Tips, Ideas, and Tools for Beginners. Enjoy a Healthy Life and Still Enjoy Life. Dr. Tara Salay Video on Holistic Health For Beginners

What Exactly Does Holistic Living Entail?
Can I Enjoy Life and Still Be Holistic?

Let's Start With the Basics...

Holistic Living Tips, Ideas, and Tools for Beginners. Enjoy a Healthy Life and Still Enjoy Life. Dr. Tara Salay Video on Holistic Health For Beginners

by Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

There are so many versions of HOLISTIC LIVING and what to do and not do ... noooo, it's not a prison sentence ... it's a choice for creating a healthy body, mind, lifestyle, and future.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Know Your Superstar Foods For Brain Health

 By Dr. Ann Kulze, M.D.

 "… the brain is perhaps the pickiest and most demanding when it comes to the foods and nutrients that suit it best. Below are my recommendations for a Brain Healthy diet."

Feed your body and your brain - use these superfoods in your daily regime. Reconnecting to Health article by Dr. Ann Kulze
Salmon: Salmon is exploding with the omega-3 fats that make up the majority of the solid structure of the brain and play a fundamental role in learning and cognition. In the brain, omega-3 fats, specifically DHA, are both the structural and functional “lynchpins” for learning. Wild Alaskan Salmon is my preferred choice which can frequently be found fresh and is always available canned or frozen. My kids love frozen salmon burgers from Costco!

Nuts: Nuts score a perfect 10 when it comes to brain-boosting performance. They are rich in several nutrients that play a key role in healthy brain function, including essential amino acids, vitamin E, a full spectrum of minerals, and B vitamins.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Easy Arthritis and General Health Rebuilder Plan of Action to Incorporate into Your Life, No Matter What Your Age

by Eugenia Martini-Jarrett
Arthritis is a condition that is not only extremely painful but also may be very disabling, depending on the severity of the problem.  Even mild pains in the shoulder, joints, toes, and fingers are not only uncomfortable but signs that this is something to address, it will not go away on its own. Medical treatments may be effective to some degree, however, the side effects are monstrous — “possible side effects = stroke, heart attack, loss of vision, etc…” 

Did you know that bursitis is a form of arthritis? The typical pain in the shoulder that affects people, sometimes at a very young age, is really an early warning sign.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Super-Charge Your Brain and Renew Your Body With Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Supercharges the Brain, is an strong anti-inflammatory, detoxes the body and more - Reconnecting to Health

Intermittent fasting is so much easier to accomplish and can even be fun knowing you are cleaning and rebuilding your body, and the brain while also boosting your own Human Growth Hormone (HGH). The benefits are overwhelming. 

In today's society, INFLAMMATION is a common ailment, with all kinds of causes and cures. It has been proven that periods of intermittent fasting have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on your entire body, reducing the need for lots of supplements and medications.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Does Your Body Have Enough B12? Are Your Stamina and Energy at Peak Performance?

B12 deficiency is a major problem. Do you have enough B12 to support your maximum stamina and energy?

Are you deficient in vitamin B12 and don't know it? Or if you do, do you know how to increase your intake of B12 naturally? 

by Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

I have been researching B12 deficiency because of my own issues, and even though my last blood test showed that my levels were "within range", I found myself not having the pep that I want to have, sometimes even dragging, and wearing out way too fast! Apparently, I also do not retain my B12 very well, due to activity, stress, not eating well, etc., so some days I have more in my system than others.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Deepest Hole In The World and What We've Learned From It. The Kola Superdeep Borehole

The Deepest Hole In the World, Kola Superdeep Borehole

The Deepest Hole In The World and What We've Learned From It. The Kola Superdeep Borehole
It is amazing that as of today, 2023, no one has drilled into the earth any further than the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District did on the Kola Peninsula, ending the digging in 1989. Drilling into the Earth's crust brought about astounding new information dating back billions of years, and that was only digging into a fraction of the Earth's crust.

The Kola Superdeep Borehole began drilling on May 24, 1970, and is to date the deepest manmade hole in history. The deepest reached is 12,262 meters (40,230 ft; 7.619 mi) in 1989, the deepest human-made hole on Earth, and remains so as of 2023.

The video below (short) presents the details of the dig and the findings. 

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A Powerful Guide (and easy to use) to Using and Benefiting From Your Chakras - Unlock the Power of Your Chakras

  When In Light Times Magazine was in publication, we had a Book and movie review section. I realized recently that I have been reading some...

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